
This is a weblog about genealogy in and about the State of Ohio. It will feature news and views (mostly mine) about developments of interest to genealogists doing research in Ohio, no matter where they reside.--Wally Huskonen

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sep 17 meeting of Summit County Chapter OGS moved to branch library

The following announcement appeared on Jun 28 on the blog of the Summit County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society. ”The September 17 meeting of the Summit County chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society has been moved to the Goodyear Branch Library, 60 Goodear Blvd. because the regular meeting room at Akron-Summit County Public Library will not be available.” “Topic of the meeting will be ‘Historical Privy Salvage and Bottle Excavation’ by the Lacy Family of Ashtabula, Ohio. Many artifacts used by our ancestors will be displayed at the meeting which begins at 1 p.m.” The chapter’s blog can be accessed at http://summitogs.blogspot.com/