
This is a weblog about genealogy in and about the State of Ohio. It will feature news and views (mostly mine) about developments of interest to genealogists doing research in Ohio, no matter where they reside.--Wally Huskonen

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Try the Free Encyclopedia of Genealogy

Have you added Dick Eastman’s The Encyclopedia of Genealogy to your list of Internet research resources? It is a free-content encyclopedia created by its users. It is available to everyone, free of charge. Also, everyone is invited to contribute, free of charge.

Go to:


The opening page provides this introduction:

The Encyclopedia of Genealogy serves as a compendium of genealogical tools and techniques. It provides reference information about everything in genealogy except people. Look to the Encyclopedia of Genealogy to provide explanations of how to look up your family tree, explanations of terms found in genealogy research, including obsolete medical and legal terms. It will describe locations where records may be found. It also will describe how to research Italian, German, Polish, French-Canadian, Jewish, Black, Indian, and other ancestors. In short, the Encyclopedia of Genealogy will serve as your standard genealogy reference manual.

The Encyclopedia of Genealogy is created by genealogists like yourself. In fact, YOU can help by adding content: your own knowledge and expertise can help others. If you see anything in this encyclopedia that is incorrect, YOU can change it! If you see anything that is incomplete, YOU can add to it! If you note anything that is missing, YOU can add it! This encyclopedia will succeed because people like you contribute nuggets of information. When enough "nuggets" are added, the Encyclopedia of Genealogy will become a gold mine.

To find an entry, click on the Search function on the menu on the left. The Search window allows you to enter the search term you are interested in.

Entering “Ohio” brings up about a dozen entries (a number that is sure to grow), including the Ohio Genealogical Society. Going to the the OGS website [www.ogs.org], you find that it is the nation’s largest state genealogical society with over 5000 members and 94 chapters in the state and elsewhere.

Changing Size of Type in Browser or Email Client

Here's a handy tip for changing the size of type in your web browser or email client:

Hold down the Ctrl key on your key board and then turn the small wheel in the middle of your mouse away from you or towards you to change the print size. It will either become larger or smaller, depending on which way you turn the wheel.

Credit: The above tip was posted recently by brenda [bandrews5@cox.net]on the OHCUYAHO-L@rootsweb.com mail list.

Observations: This, of course, assumes that you have a wheel in your mouse. Sorry Mac users, you are out of luck with this one.

I've found that the change does not permanently affect the type size. Close the window and reopen it and it will be the original size.--WH

State Library of Ohio Considering Transfer of Genealogy Holdings

On February 21, 2006, the State Library of Ohio issued the following news release.

State Library of Ohio exploring improvement of genealogy services

The State Library Board of Ohio passed a motion on Feb. 16, 2006, asking the State Library of Ohio to begin developing a plan proposal for working with Columbus Metropolitan Library and the genealogy community to improve genealogy services. This plan would include a timeline for transferring the State Library's genealogy collection and services to the Main branch of Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) located in downtown Columbus at 96 S. Grant Avenue.

Genealogy has become the fastest growing hobby in the nation, but due to the State Library's state agency hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, it is not able to serve the entire genealogy community. The proposed transfer of these services and resources to Columbus Metropolitan Library will allow genealogists to have greater access to materials as CML is open considerably more hours (Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m.).

"We are very excited about this wonderful opportunity to collaborate with the State Library and the genealogy community," said Bonnie Chandler, manager, Biography, History & Travel Division of Main Library.

"If we accept this collection, we will be able to offer the public greater access with longer hours, a staff dedicated to excellent service and resources to enable us to maintain and grow the collection."

"We feel that the entire genealogy community deserves access to the collection and services which at the present time are housed at the State Library. We believe that by working with Columbus Metropolitan Library, the number one library in the country, we will be able to offer greater access to a greater number of individuals," said Jo Budler, State Librarian. "Columbus Metropolitan Library's genealogy staff is dedicated to outstanding customer service, genealogy education and resource preservation."

The staff of the State Library plans to present the proposed plan to the State Library Board at its May Board Meeting.

For further information or to offer comments, contact

Sean Hughes

