
This is a weblog about genealogy in and about the State of Ohio. It will feature news and views (mostly mine) about developments of interest to genealogists doing research in Ohio, no matter where they reside.--Wally Huskonen

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Changing Size of Type in Browser or Email Client

Here's a handy tip for changing the size of type in your web browser or email client:

Hold down the Ctrl key on your key board and then turn the small wheel in the middle of your mouse away from you or towards you to change the print size. It will either become larger or smaller, depending on which way you turn the wheel.

Credit: The above tip was posted recently by brenda [bandrews5@cox.net]on the OHCUYAHO-L@rootsweb.com mail list.

Observations: This, of course, assumes that you have a wheel in your mouse. Sorry Mac users, you are out of luck with this one.

I've found that the change does not permanently affect the type size. Close the window and reopen it and it will be the original size.--WH